Virtual Museum board game

Escrit per RR.II.,

Acabem de rebre per correu des de Polònia el joc de taula Virtual Museum on, en forma de joc, es materialitza tot el Projecte, reconegut i molt ben valorat a finals de l’any passat.

A les fotografies podeu veure també un llibret on es recullen algunes de les activitats preparades i realitzades a les diferents trobades Erasmus+ durant els cursos 2015 – 2017.

Resten a la vostra disposició en cas que, professorat, els volgueu fer servir a les vostres classes.



We keep doing interesting English activities with Cicles Formatius

Escrit per RR.II.,

Last friday we had the opportunity to have Cristipher from Edebe.
The students of Activitats Comercials and Gestió Administrativa made an interesting debate with the topic: ‘Planned obsolescence’.
They participated very good, they deffended their opinion so good.
In the front of the debate, there were 4 students, 2 of them were against and the 2 others, in favour.
They cooperated with so interesting arguments.
The public (the rest of the class) participated too in a polite way.
At the end everybody could give their own opinion and vote against or in favour planned obsolescence.
The teacher and Christopher (who visted the school) were so happy with the way the debate.

Congratulations and thanks to all students to participate!!!

Jésica Dávila
English teacher of Cicles Formatius