Dia d’avaluar les mobilitats Erasmus+!

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Aquest matí l’alumnat Erasmus+ (projecte 2023) ha realitzat el EUsurvey, l’avaluació interna de Salesians i l’OLS (la prova del nivell de llengüa anglesa).

Alumnat Erasmus+, ja retornats a casa!

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Mechanics at work!!

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L’Izan B. i l’Izan G. ens han enviat unes fotos de l’empresa on són fent les pràctiques de Mecànica, Talos Precision (Toulousse)


The mammoth is back home!

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Our 6th grade students already prepared everything to sent the mammoth back to Germany!

They wrote letters to the German students, made a recipe book with typical Spanish and Catalan recipes, prepared canvas to show what to visit in our country, made a video showing our school and took the mammoth with them to the spring camps!!

They worked hard and enjoyed doing it!!!

Ana Pérez

Erasmus+ students at work i més!

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El Xavi i la Samera a Ready International!


I moments per conviure i fer nous amics!!!

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