4th day: Visits to the Village Museum and the Parliament.

Escrit per RR.II.,

Hello friends!!

Today all of us and, thanks to the Romanian teachers and the coordinator Cornelia, visited the Village Museum and the Parliament. Two important places in Bucarest, the capital of this country.

The Village Museum (Muzeul Satului in Romanian) is an open-air ethnographic museum located in the Herăstrău Park, where the traditional Romanian village life is showed. The museum extends to over 100,000 m2, and contains 272 authentic peasant farms and houses from all over Romania. It was created in 1936.

El Museu de l’Aldea Romanesa o Museu Satului  és un museu etnogràfic a l’aire lliure que es troba situat al Parc Herăstrău de Bucarest. Aquest museu, que fou creat l’any 1936, està especialitzat a mostrar les diferents formes i estils arquitectònics de la vida rural romanesa. S‘estén per uns 100.000 m² i està format per unes 272 cases i edificacions rurals romaneses, totes elles autèntiques, ja que els creadors del museu es van dedicar a recórrer tota Romania comprant típiques cases i edificacions rurals, totes elles representatives de l’estil de vida rural de Romania, als seus propietaris per després desmuntar-les i tornar-les a construir dins del recinte del museu.

Here you can see some photos taken this morning:

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In the afternoon, we went to the Parlament. The Palace of the Parliament is the seat of the Parliament of Romania. Located on Spirii Hill in central Bucharest, the Palace is the world’s largest civilian building with an administrative function.  The building houses the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, three museums and an international conference center.  Though named the House of the Republic (Casa Republicii) after the Romanian Revolution of 1989 it became widely known as the People’s House (Casa Poporului), also known in English as the People’s Palace.

El Palau del Parlament  és la seu del Parlament romanès. Situat a Bucarest, és amb una superfície coberta de 350.000 metres, el segon edifici més gran del món, només darrere del Pentàgon. Ha canviat de nom amb el pas del temps: Casa de la República, Casa del Poble.







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