Everything is almost ready in Wroclaw!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,


Agnieszka, Polish Coordinator, sent us a brief about some of the activities we are going to do:

Monday and Tuesday – school visit, work on the project, students will take part in some activities prepared for them.

Wednesday – a trip (about 2.30 hours drive) to a nice place where students and teachers will learn to dance a traditional Polish dance (we will need trainers  or shoes with white rubber sole): http://www.zespolslask.pl/pl/galerie/9914/palac/

Thursday and Friday – workshops in a museum, puppet theatre, city game, tour of the city.

All the activities will finish at 2-3pm. (except Wednesday) and the afternoons will be free.

During the visit students from each country will have to present a presentation: My city – present and past.



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Enric ha dit:

Espero veure un video del ball !!!!

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Els projectes que figuren en aquest blog estan cofinançats pel programa d’Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea. El seu contingut és responsabilitat exclusiva de Salesians Badalona (Sant Domènec Savio).Ni la Comissió Europea ni el Servei Espanyol per la Internacionalització de l’Educació (SEPIE) són responsables de l’ús que es pugui fer d’aquesta informació.

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