Sí, de nou tornem a ser-hi: NOU PROJECTE ERASMUS+ per l’alumnat d’ESO!!
Aquesta setmana Polònia, coordinadora del projecte europeu “Fakespotting”, l’ha enviat a l’Agència Nacional polonesa i estem pendents de la seva aprovació.
Tant de bo tinguem la sort que hem tingut amb el projecte KA1 que ens han concedit per la Formació de Professorat de CFGM (podeu mirar les entrades anteriors a aquest Blog)!!
The partnership members are:
Zespol Szkol nr 6 (POLAND – school)
The Ferret (UNITED KINGDOM – Media Cooperative)
Archilabò (ITALY – Association)
Agrupamento de Escolas Emìdio Navarro (PORTUGAL – school)
Euro Adult Education (ROMANIA – NGO)
Salesians Badalona (SPAIN- school)
“Fakespotting” targets two main topics:
1. How to spot fake news on social networks.
2. How to tale and report digital information properly.
The project provides a set of tools (online courses and OERs-Open Educational Resources) and mobility activity to develop active, informed and responsible citizens in an age where digital technologies are ever present.
Teachers, together with their students, “need the skills to interact politically and socially in an engaged, respectful and positive manner within the virtual society that surrounds us.”
“Fakespotting” project develops a set of trainings and tools in order to:
– Enhance the teaching professional profiles providing innovative tools in digital competences and digital citizenship.
– Make students aware on how to spot fake news on internet and deepen the European policies and policy-making structures.
– Tackle the Early School Leaving providing mobility experience for students making them able to understand the opportunities induced by the social cohesion in multicultural cooperation and involving them in digital tasks.
– Enhancing the networking between schools and training institutes around Europe.
The Project will start in October 2018, will finish in September 2020 and will envolve Secondary School students.

Virgínia i Isabel df
Un projecte dedicat a que els alumnes millorin la comprensió lectora i l’esperit crític envers les notícies que reben.
Esperem poder tirar-ho endavant!
Congratulations once more!!! These international projects are really powerful and highly stimulating experiences of learning for our students. No doubt it will be a success!