Happy Valentine’s Day Weekend!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Gràcies a l’Ashlee, la professora americana de l’alumnat del Diploma Dual, sabem com es celebra la conegua festivitat de Sant Valentí als EE.UU!

“Valentine’s Day is a popular holiday here in the United States, celebrated on February 14 each year. If you walked into any store the past few weeks, you would see the front of the store lined with flowers, stuffed animals, boxes of chocolates, candy, hearts, balloons, and cards to purchase for your loved ones.

In classrooms, students share Valentine’s Day cards with each other and many bring their own small mailbox to place and store the cards. Teachers may include Valentine’s Day in their lessons by teaching the history of the holiday, conducting a special science experiment with candy hearts, or learning about idioms and figurative language related to Valentine’s Day in English classes. Students may bring special desserts into class to share, and teachers may decorate their hallways and classrooms for the occasion.

Outside of school or work, couples may spend the day with their loved one eating out at a nice restaurant. In fact, most of the best restaurants are completely booked for Valentine’s Day. You have to make reservations in advance if you want to go. Other couples may engage in a fun activity like mini-golfing or having a picnic on the beach. Some may just enjoy a nice night at home, cooking heart-shaped pizza or heart-shaped steaks (yes we really do this).

There is a new trend in the past several years, where girls get together with their best friends to celebrate the special day. They call it Galentines! Stores even sell shirts with this saying. The girls may play games, go out to dinner, make desserts, watch movies, or get manicures and pedicures together“.

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