MEETING IN BADALONA (SPAIN) 13th November 2016-19 November 2016

Escrit per RR.II.,

From 13 Nov to 19 Nov 2016 the four schools that are participating in the project “Virtual Museum” met in Badalona.

We started on Sunday welcoming European friends and postponing us for the next day at the Salesians Badalona’s school.

On Monday 14, students who had traveled to Poland in the 2nd meeting of the project welcame the students and teachers in the hall of the school. They were the ones in charge of doing a tour around the school, after presenting the activities, visits and workshops that we had prepared.

A mid-morning break made us savor a special lunch: the Catalonian breakfast, a selection of traditional Catalan dishes cooked by the students of Cooking-Masterchef.

After recovering forces, teachers and students of the 4 schools did the Recycling Art workshop, a moment to analyze Gaudí’s dragon and do it in clay and recycled material (DVD and CD).

We finished the morning with a barbecue in the schoolyard, where we all could enjoy a good meal and good weather.

At 3 p.m. a new workshop started: Traditional dances. The youngest students of the project taught us how to dance the Ball de Bastons (Sticks dance); the eldest ones made us dance the Polka and finally, the giants of the school made us all dance around them following the music of the Graellers. The local television came to record the festival.

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On Tuesday the Badalona students prepared a City game, a tour around the city to know more and better about our beautiful city. We were even greeted by the Mayor in Town Hall.
Wednesday was the day to visit Barcelona and some of its museums. At 10:00 a.m. we went to the Caizaforum Museum (Guided tour of the exhibition “A Thyssen ever seen”) = Cajaforum-barcelona & result = true, where we could enjoy an excellent pictorial collection of all time thanks to the explanations of the guide.

In the afternoon we visited the Picasso Museum (Guided tour of the exhibition), and when the visit ended we could walked around downtown in Barcelona.

On Thursday 17th was the day to know the most important museum in Badalona, related to the world and the Roman art: Badalona Museum (Guided tour of the exhibition: “Badalona, Roman city”).

Then we went to Ca l’Arnús Park, where the students of Photography taught us some of the photographic techniques they are learning in class. We enjoyed the beautiful natural environment in Badalona.

On Friday the 18th we met again at the Salesians Badalona’s school to do the last workshop: Christmas postcards. The aim was to prepare Christmas cards to congratulate Christmas to the characters of the play that we were going to see in the school theatre: “A Chritsmas Carol” by Ch. Dickens. Meanwhile, the Coordinators met to prepare the next and last meeting in Portugal: from 19 to 25 March 2017.

Once the meeting was over, the cooking students prepared us a typical Christmas breakfast in our country. All the tables were beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations made by the same students.

At 19:00 we met in a restaurant to exchange gifts and dinner together. We will see each other again in Almada (Portugal) in March.

On Saturday, before leaving, we made the evaluation of the meeting: we had a nice week learning about our culture, art and sharing our friendship.


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Els projectes que figuren en aquest blog estan cofinançats pel programa d’Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea. El seu contingut és responsabilitat exclusiva de Salesians Badalona (Sant Domènec Savio).Ni la Comissió Europea ni el Servei Espanyol per la Internacionalització de l’Educació (SEPIE) són responsables de l’ús que es pugui fer d’aquesta informació.

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