Express Publishing Activities for VET students

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Our vocational courses have finished the current classes and now we have sat the final exams.
These photos are from one of our last activities in English Class.
We were very lucky to have Roser, an expert in Communication, who has done a speaking workshop with some interesting activities.
Mechanics Course did a role playing in relation to job interviews! So interesting!
Commerce and Administrative Courses did a debate and a role playing, defending their opinions.

We really enjoyed the activity!!

Hoping next year we can do more activities like that with EXPRESS PUBLISHING!!


Vocational courses of Mechanics, Administrative and Commerce


Voleu veure l’actuació dels artistes shakesperians?

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Voleu veure l’actuació dels artistes shakesperians?

Click below and you will enjoy the greatest performance our students played

in the Trinity College Contest!!

Recollim el 1r Premi Accèsit del Trinity College de Teatre!!!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Recollim el 1r Premi Accèsit del Trinity College de Teatre!!!!!

Next Round of Discover EU programme: new opportunity for young people

Escrit per RR.II.,

Almost 30 000 young people were awarded a travel pass in 2018. Another round will take place from 2 May 2019 at 12:00 (CEST) to 16 May 2019 at 12:00 (CEST).

An ‘Apply Now’ button will appear on this page on D-Day!

To be eligible, you need to be born between 2 July 2000 (included) and 1 July 2001 (included), have the nationality of one of the Member States of the European Union at the time of the award decision, and fill in the correct ID or passport number on the online application form.

All you have to do is to participate in a quiz and answer a subsidiary question.

If you are selected, you can travel for a period of minimum 1 day and up to 30 days between 1 August 2019 and 31 January 2020. Why not seize this chance to experience freedom of movement, better understand Europe’s diversity, enjoy its cultural richness, make new friends and ultimately, discover yourself?

Note that if you have a disability or a health problem that makes your trip challenging, we have special conditions to help you take part in DiscoverEU.


English baking recipes

Escrit per RR.II.,

Last April 11th, the PFI of COMMERCE group did a special class!!!

Everyone had cooked some cake at home. It could be individual or in a small group.

The participation was a success and all the cakes were so tasty!!!

Then in class everyone explained the recipe in English and we had a wonderful afternoon eating the delicious cakes!!!

We had brownies, cheese cakes, smothies, “dulce de leche” (typical from Argentina), arabic cookies or even “borrachuelos” from Granada.

We enjoyed a lot sharing all the recipes and, of course, eating!!!



Salesians Marseille (France) ens envia el seu video!

Escrit per RR.II.,
Hello from Marseilles!
We are sending you a short video presentation starring our magnificent class members.

We will send you another video presenting the whole class after our two week holidays!
From the 2nde AMA



FPI Video presentation

Escrit per RR.II.,

Aquí podeu veure el vídeo que l’alumnat de PFI han preparat per presentar al seva Secció als companys de Salesians Marsella.


Nova convocatòria DiscoverEU

Escrit per RR.II.,

DiscoverEU es una iniciativa de la Unión Europea basada en una propuesta del Parlamento Europeo que quiere ofrecer a los jóvenes de 18 años de edad la experiencia de un viaje en el que puedan aprovechar la libertad de circulación en la Unión Europea, descubrir la diversidad de Europa mientras viajan, aprender sobre la historia y el patrimonio cultural europeos, conocer a personas de todo el continente y, en último término, conocerse a sí mismos.

La Comisión Europea va a seleccionar a un mínimo de 20.000 jóvenes que tengan 18 años cumplidos el 1 de julio de 2019.
Los jóvenes interesados pueden presentar sus candidaturas en el Portal Europeo de la Juventud.
El plazo para su presentación estará abierto desde el 2 de mayo de 2019, a las 12.00 (hora central europea) hasta el 16 de mayo de 2019, a las 12.00 (hora central europea).
La Comisión Europea concederá a los jóvenes seleccionados unos bonos de viaje para que exploren la Unión Europea entre el 1 de agosto de 2019 y el 31 de enero de 2020 durante un periodo máximo de un mes.


Escrit per RR.II.,


Our group of PFI of Commerce have just finished the first activity of an international project with the school Lycée Polyvalent Don Bosco, Marseille, France.

Now we are waiting that they send us their video showing their school in Marseille and we are so excited to watch it!!

Although the speaking skill can be difficult for us, this activity has been a way to improve and overcome ourselves!

It’s a big opportunity to communicate in English with another Salesian school.

We let you know about the next international activities that we have in mind for the next month.



VET students : open to Europe and beyond!: our KA102 project accepted!!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

The Erasmus+ application KA102 involving our school has been accepted by SEPIE (Servei Espanyol per la Internacionalizació de l’Educació).

This project will be evaluated over the next months for an evaluating comission.

Project information:

Title: VET students : open to Europe and beyond!

Action: Movilidad de Estudiantes – Prácticas de FPGM en empresas en el extranjero (KA102)

Thanks to all of you have worked on it!!!

Els projectes que figuren en aquest blog estan cofinançats pel programa d’Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea. El seu contingut és responsabilitat exclusiva de Salesians Badalona (Sant Domènec Savio).Ni la Comissió Europea ni el Servei Espanyol per la Internacionalització de l’Educació (SEPIE) són responsables de l’ús que es pugui fer d’aquesta informació.

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