Premis del Concurs de Teatre Shakespeare
La final del Concurs de Teatre Shakespeare serà el proper dijous 9 de Maig a les 16.30h a l’Auditori Sant Martí de Barcelona (plaça Angeleta Ferrer 2, Barcelona. Metro Bac de Roda). Estem convidats a assistir-hi tant professors com alumnes. En el moment de l’entrega de diplomes als finalistes, ens lliuraran el nostre diploma d’Accèssit.
El feedback dels punts que el jurat ha destacat de cara a que poguem superar-nos de cara a la final del proper any és:
1. Overall group and ensemble effort
2. Innovative dance introduction to the cast at the beginning, and end of the play, as well as ballroom scene dance
3. Clear sound and images on video recording, though it should be recorded in a single fixed shot without use of zoom
To improve:
- Overall pronunciation. To help with this, listen to the lines on CD from the play
- Keep searching for an even deeper vocal, physical and imaginative connection to the characters