Romeo i Julieta de Shakespeare – 1r ESO C

Escrit per RR.II.,

Romeu i Julieta és una tragèdia escrita per William Shakespeare l’any 1597.

Explica la història dels amors de Romeu i Julieta, dos joves que pertanyen a famílies enfrontades, els Montagut i Capulet, i que han esdevingut arquetips literaris, un dels màxims exemples de parelles desgraciades.

Es tracta d’una de les obres més populars de l’autor anglès i, al costat de Hamlet i Macbeth, la que més vegades ha estat representada.

Aquí podeu veure alguns dels actors i actrius de 1r ESO C el dia de les seves actuacions a classe.

26 Comentaris

Diego Rubiales ha dit:

There is a god job in this
project , there are so funny and i like to much , congratulations

Guillermo García ha dit:

I liked it a lot because it was very interesting and funny.

Carlos Arnau ha dit:

It was a funny experience but I don’t like my photo! My partners did it very well.I would like to do a similar activity next year.

Aitor Mondelo ha dit:

I would like to do this activity at yhe theatre because is an act, but the rest is perfect.

Ana Beatriz ha dit:

I liked this act because i learn new words new pronounce and this actis my favorite.I funnwith my couple Paula.

Mireia ha dit:

It was fun and I had a great time

Patricia Muñoz ha dit:

It was so funny, I enjoyed and laughted a lot with all the groups.

Yessenia Ordoñez ha dit:

We had a very good time in group, and good job.???? I repeat it.

Roger Huerga ha dit:

I liked because are more funny with my friends.I like Romeo and Juliet.

Lídia Badosa Jordà ha dit:

I liked working with my parners because I had a great time with them.

The works of my classmates were fun.

Raul Tamayo Sanchez ha dit:

Good job,the activitie is very fun,the presentations are very funny.

Eva ha dit:

It was really fun while we preparate it and while we were doing and wathing the scenes.

Alfonso Vallecillo ha dit:

i think it was a perfect activitie of the english subject, it was very fun,I think that all of us participate. We did a very good job I we have a lot of fun.

Thanks Eva for doing these activities

Sergi Fernàndez Arjona ha dit:

I enjoyed doing the performance an scene, but I was a bit embarrassing, I liked the scenes of my schoolmates and I learned.

Lydia Montes. ha dit:

I like it a lot because it has been interesting, as much as doing it as seeing it.
I like work whit my group.

Yessenia Ordoñez ha dit:

We had a very good time in group, good job. I repeat it

Carlos García ha dit:


I’am a studient, and I do this activity, and I recomended for the studients, is very mistres and is a activity of comradeship. The studients appers very funny. I spirists to you to do.

Jordan Sampayo ha dit:

I liked the experience in th,ie class and represent a teather work,I like my group and the act I represent,on the teather Romeo and Juliet a objection is te photo group.

Biel Lozano ha dit:

I loved doing the work of Romeo and Juliet
first we read the book that was very beautiful also it was a little tragedy. Afterwards we did the work in groups in my group, it was very good and those in my class also

Aitor Batista ha dit:

Romeo & Juliet:
I like this activite beacause we didn’t have any problem. I like my role and everyone likes the roles. This activite was special compared with the rest, this was enjoyable. We was can do it in the theatre

Gerard Martin ha dit:

I really like William Shakespeare and the story too, and I liked the drama a lot, but I would have liked to see the movie to understand it better. And the project with group more like fore my.

Oscar Padilla ha dit:

This story is very interesent and the work get a nice resoult it was very funny and interesting.

Wan Bing Zeng ha dit:

When Eva told us to prepare this performance I was pretty sure it was going to be funny and, yeah! It was very interesting to see all the scenes performed by people I nearly meet every day.

Romeo and Juliet, one of the most popular romantic tragedy wrote by William Shakespeare.

Júlia Ferrer ha dit:

This acrtivity I liked it a lot, I have had fun,but I would perform it in the theatre.Besides, I liked the book.

Georgina Escañuela ha dit:

This activity has been funny, but I felt embarrassed make while I was playing my role.

Eric García ha dit:

The mini theather i like because I express for the public.And the group is very liked because is my friend

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Els projectes que figuren en aquest blog estan cofinançats pel programa d’Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea. El seu contingut és responsabilitat exclusiva de Salesians Badalona (Sant Domènec Savio).Ni la Comissió Europea ni el Servei Espanyol per la Internacionalització de l’Educació (SEPIE) són responsables de l’ús que es pugui fer d’aquesta informació.

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