The European Day of Languages at VET classes

Escrit per RR.II.,
As you can see here, Commercial activities students have started English classes and last September 26th, on the European Day of Languages, they created some posters to make people conscious of the importance of English language in Business area and also they have been talking about reasons to learn English.
They will work a lot this year doing different  activities and we will keep you informed through our blog of our news and some surprises along the year!
Let’s work and keep learning English!!
English teacher at vocational courses

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Els projectes que figuren en aquest blog estan cofinançats pel programa d’Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea. El seu contingut és responsabilitat exclusiva de Salesians Badalona (Sant Domènec Savio).Ni la Comissió Europea ni el Servei Espanyol per la Internacionalització de l’Educació (SEPIE) són responsables de l’ús que es pugui fer d’aquesta informació.

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