VET students : open to Europe and beyond! project submitted!!!!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

The Erasmus+ application KA102 involving our school has been submitted this afternoon.

This project will be evaluated over the next months for an evaluating comission.


Project information:

Title: VET students : open to Europe and beyond!

Action: Movilidad de Estudiantes – Prácticas de FPGM en empresas en el extranjero (KA102)


Thanks to all of you have worked on it!!!

1 Comentari

Jésica ha dit:

This is a great opportunity for our school and obviously for our students!!!

Participating in a KA102 will allow our students of commerce go abroad and do some internship period in another country! fingers crossed =)

great initiative!!
let’s keep working with this enthusiasm in erasmus projects!!!

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