Fem difusió de la nostra experiència!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Aquesta setmana els 7 alumnes que van viatjar a Polònia explicaran a les seves respectives classes la seva experiència en aquell país, tot ajudant-se del que van escriure a aquest Blog i de les fotos publicades.

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Presents on Erasmus+ Corner!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,


All you can see on the Erasmus+ Corner at the hall of the school all the presents our European friends gave us!!!

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Going back home…

Escrit per RR.II.,

Dissabte 4 de Juny de 2016

Today we are going back home…getting ready our baggage…presents for friends and families…a very nice city… very kind experiences…leaving here new friends…

A little bit sad but also happy because we are going to keep in touch and meet all together again in Novembre 2016 in Badalona.

Our families waited for us at the airport,  happy to be back again, ready to explain to them and to school on Monday all we did and lived in Wroclaw.

Thanks to all of you for follow us!!!




Workshops, workshops, workshops…

Escrit per RR.II.,

Divendres 3 de Juny de 2016

Today we went to the Puppet Theatre where we did some fun “exercices” and learnt how to move some puppets.

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Later on, we went to Hidropolis, a museum about water. A guide showed us some of the main important places of the museum.

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Back to the hotel and before going to the restaurant for the farewell dinner, the other schools gave some presents to the students and the schools.

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…last moments before going back home…


Today we all become artists!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Dijous 2 Juny de 2016

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Hello families!

Today, in the morning we went to the school and we made a workshop of lamps. And after that, we did the presentation of Badalona: past and present.

After lunch at school, we went to the Modern Art museum and we made a postcard of  Wroclaw.

Now we are at the hotel resting for a while because at half past six we are going to go shopping.


Dani and Hugo

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Let’s dance!!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Dimecres, 1 de Juny de 2016

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Good night!!

Today we have waken up so early. At 7 o’clock we had to be in the restaurant to have breakfast. We have had breakfast and at quarter to eight, the Polish people were waiting for us in the coach to go to the Polish National Dancing Company. We have been travelling for 2 hours and a half. We have been separated in two groups: in one van there were Dani, Hugo, Andrea, Alma, Sara and a Polish girl and two Polish boys; in the coach there were Montse, Marina, and other students and teachers.

When we have arrived a dancer has taught us a traditional Polish dance. It was very easy.

Later on, we have learnt some things about dancing clothes in special situations and we have seen a very long video about people dancing.

Then we have had lunch with everyone and we have walked through the garden. Some teachers have given a lollipop to us because it was the Children’s day.

We came back to the hotel and we have relaxed because we were tired. Later, we have prepared our presentations about Badalona: Past and Present for tomorrow.

It was dinner time, so we went for having it. Finally, we have had dinner at GRECO’s, a Greeck restaurant.

Sara and Alma


Around Wroclaw!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Dimarts 31 de Maig 2016

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Today we woke up at 7:ooh and had breakfast at the hotel’s restaurant.

The Polish students explained and showed us different places of the city.

We touch the bear statue at Rynek Square that should give us luck. We visited churches, the Cathedral, crossed bridges with lots of lovers’ lockers like in France… The city is plenty of funny dwarves as you can see in the photos above.

Later on we went to the National Museum of Wroclaw. We saw the exhibition about old Polish fashion in lots of dresses. There we did a workshop: we had to design a paper dress!!!

After that, we went to have lunch and rested for a while in the afternoon. We ended the day buying some souvenirs for the families, going up the the St Elizabeth church tower (the views were wonderful!!!), visiting the church and having dinner with the Portuguese school.

Montse, Marina and Joana



Meeting at school!!!!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Dilluns 30 de Maig de 2016

Today we had a nice day at the Polish school: the students were very friendly and the school was very decorated.

In the afternoon, we went to the hotel for having the siesta. And then, we went to the Market Square for buying some souvenirs.

After that, we went to a restaurant with Romania and Portugal for having dinner.

It was cool! We met a new friend: Joana, from Portugal!

Good night to everybody!!!

Andrea & Marina 




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Ja som a Wroclaw!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Diumenge, 29 de Maig de 2016




Today we woke up at four o’clock, and we took the first plane at eight o’clock and the second plane at three o’clock, doing a transfer in Munich. When we arrived to Wroclaw,  we took a bus to downtown and arrived at the hotel. Here, at the hotel, we practiced the presentation of Badalona. At eight o’clock, we went to have dinner in a restaurant and ate pizza.

And this is our first day in Wroclaw.

Good night families and friends!!

Hugo and Dani  


Thanks for the presents!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,

Gràcies Conxita B. i Anna S. per donar un cop de mà al Badalona Erasmus+ Team amb la compra dels regals que portarem des d’aquí als amics europeus!!!!




Els projectes que figuren en aquest blog estan cofinançats pel programa d’Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea. El seu contingut és responsabilitat exclusiva de Salesians Badalona (Sant Domènec Savio).Ni la Comissió Europea ni el Servei Espanyol per la Internacionalització de l’Educació (SEPIE) són responsables de l’ús que es pugui fer d’aquesta informació.

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