Meeting new friends!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,


Ahir vam tenir la “primera trobada oficial” amb l’alumnat que marxarà a Wroclaw el mes vinent.


Ja estan inscrits a la plataforma europea

lloc on estan fent les seves presentacions personals i responent els nous amics polonesos.

Tothom està molt engrescat i animat!




Everything is almost ready in Wroclaw!!!

Escrit per RR.II.,


Agnieszka, Polish Coordinator, sent us a brief about some of the activities we are going to do:

Monday and Tuesday – school visit, work on the project, students will take part in some activities prepared for them.

Wednesday – a trip (about 2.30 hours drive) to a nice place where students and teachers will learn to dance a traditional Polish dance (we will need trainers  or shoes with white rubber sole):

Thursday and Friday – workshops in a museum, puppet theatre, city game, tour of the city.

All the activities will finish at 2-3pm. (except Wednesday) and the afternoons will be free.

During the visit students from each country will have to present a presentation: My city – present and past.
