LET’S START! “Born to rock”

Escrit per RR.II.,

Us presentem la primera activitat que “The Grey Troop” ha preparat per presentarse com a grup musical al concurs “Schools Song Contest”: la portada de la revista “Born to rock” i una entrevista a la banda, tot relacionat amb el lema d’aquest curs i els valors de l’escola.



12 Comentaris

Laura ha dit:

A wonderful experience and we really liked it. We had a good time

Dani Casas ha dit:

I think preparing thebsong gives us a sense of release and it’s a lot of fun.

Héctor Pérez ha dit:

Good morning everyone!!!!
I’m exited with this amazing experience, and I want that all school enjoy our music.

Rocio ha dit:

The Grey Troop It is a very fun activity in which I participate and i love have a great time

Daniel ha dit:

Hello, my experience has been very positive, it has helped me to overcome my stage fright and to enjoy what I am doing.

Noa ha dit:

hello Ilove to participate in this experience.I recommend it to everyone

judith ha dit:

hello!! This experience is amazing, it will be my first time to participate in a concert, the theater has helped me to take away the shame and fear that I had on stage.

xavi comellas ha dit:

hello I am very grateful to participate in this theater group, we have felt with very good feelings and we have given the feeling that we have chosen the right option, and I know that in the contest we will peta it

ainhoa de la fuente ha dit:

Hello, my experience is very cool, very funny, it felt me thing that can overcome some scenic panic or something that is related to the theater.
We all had a great time and for what we have been in theater we are a good group.

Laia Muñoz Calero ha dit:

hello, I like to participate in this play since I am having a great time and it is fun.

Oriol Quiles ha dit:

Hi, as you can see my band is going to participate in a very especial contest.

This takes a lot of job and implication. We hope you like it!

Aitana ha dit:

Hello, we had a great time, it’s an incredible experience, and we are learning a lot.

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