Video Project Competition – IPA Productions

Escrit per RR.II.,

Carla Buza, Carla Garcia, Lucia Medina i Aina Ortega

de 2 ESO B

han participat al 1st Video Project Competition


han obtingut el



7 Comentaris

Mireia Casas ha dit:

The best class, I will miss you in the next year.

Pau Rodríguez ha dit:

Estoy muy orgulloso de la progresión de este trabajao y la relación con la sostenibilidad, y del nivel de inglés de estas excelentes y bellísimas alumnas.

Carla ha dit:

Gracias Eva, he disfrutado esta experiéncia como nunca.
Thank you for all !!!

Carlos Delgado ha dit:

The best class!!

Nil Calahorro ha dit:

Congratulations, you deserve it.
You made it very well.

Néstor ha dit:

Congratulations, i’m very proud to take form in this class, the best class!!!!????????????????????????????????????

Cristina Trepat ha dit:

Congratulations ladies!

I like very much the idea: a Mrs Scrooge insensitive to the sustainability. I think it’s a current one. Furthermore I enjoyed, AGAIN, with your English expression and with the amazing snthesized voices. So, the 2nd part ‘pa cuando?

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