Death penalty is a controversial topic in our society nowadays. Although some countries have already abolished it, there are still fifty-eight countries where the death penalty remains in force. I believe death penalty is something we should’ve left in the past, because it’s unethical and morally wrong.
Everyone understands that killing any person is wrong. However, there’s people that defend murder when it comes to the death penalty. Taking a human life is unethical, whether it’s a crime or it’s done by the law. All lives should be protected by the justice system, including criminals. Therefore, a system that can legally sentence someone to death, it’s not a fair system. The state that executes someone is not much better than the murderer being executed.
Murder is not only wrong, but it’s also irremediable. Sometimes innocent people are imprisoned incorrectly, which is already bad enough, but an innocent person being wrongfully executed is unforgivable. If someone is in jail by mistake they can still be released by the state and go on with their lives, but if they die there’s nothing the state can do to make up for it.
However, there are some points of view in favour of the death penalty that are comprehensible. For example, the feeling of closure for the family of the victim. The execution of a criminal is the best way to move on from the murder of a loved one, because they know that it’s impossible that the criminal walks free ever again. On the other hand, executing the murderer will never bring back their loved one, and the feeling of grief will always be with them.
Taking everything into consideration, my opinion on the death penalty is that it should be abolished everywhere, because it gives too much power to a system that is not always right, and because making two wrongs doesn’t make one right.